Feb 6th
08:30 -> 09:30
Join us for coffee and networking in the exhibition hall
Welcome Address
Mike Copson
Associate Director - Energy
Session One
09:30 -> 09:45
Realising Low Carbon Hydrogen Production
Pete Fear
Business Development Manager
09:45 -> 10:00
Advancing Decarbonisation: An Overview of Blue Hydrogen Projects Across the HyNet Network
Martin Shannon
Head of Commercial Services
10:00 -> 10:15
Hydrogen Growth - Promoting Regional Growth to Support Investment, Jobs, Skills, and Safety Capabilities
Charles Wood
Deputy Director Policy
10:15 -> 10:30
10:30 -> 11:00
Panel Discussion
Session One
11:00 -> 11:30
Join us for coffee and networking
Session Two
11:30 -> 11:45
Unlocking the Purest Fuels, for a Cleaner Sustainable Future: The CSS Micro Hub
Paul Willacy
11:45 -> 12:00
Large-Scale Hydrogen Production Facilities: Design and Challenges
Paul Wann
Sustainability and Decarbonisation Business Director
12:00 -> 12:15
Darren Gee
Programme Mgr ETF
12:15 -> 12:30
Regional Hydrogen Hubs: Lessons from H2 North West
Sally Brewis
Head of Regional Development
12:30 -> 13:00
Panel Discussion
Session Two
13:00 -> 14:00
Join us for lunch and networking
Session Three
14:00 -> 14:15
Water Treatment Technologies for H2 Production
Abraham Negaresh
Associate Director – Desalination and Reuse Lead
14:15 -> 14:30
Hydrogen Production in Water-Scarce Regions - Really?
Daniel Frank
Development Lead | Hydrogen
14:30 -> 14:45
Water Availability and Environmental & Regulatory Consideration
Liz Cairns
Senior Advisor Water Resources, Security of Supply Team – E&B Water
14:45 -> 15:00
15:00 -> 15:30
Panel Discussion
Session Three
End of Conference
15:30 -> 16:00
Join us for the final cups of coffee and goodbyes